The Spectrum

We partially transcribe on this page, some teachings of Emy, published by Planeta magazine in June 1975. Such teachings are found in full in her book “Luz e Sombra” (Light and Shadow). Following a brief introduction to the Theory of  “Light and Shadow”.

The Tri-unity of Light

Light splits into three basic colors: red, blue, and yellow. These three colors form the triangle of creative energies called the Tri-unity of Light, which religions have transmitted in the form of the Divine Trinity.

All radiation is reflected in the opposite direction. When these colors are radiated they are called fire signs and when they are reflected they are the air signs.

The basic colors plus their radiations form the star symbol with two triangles, an ascending and a descending.

Between the beam of the radiated vibration and the reflected vibration, composite colors are formed, that is, orange, green, and lilac. There are therefore six colors, three basic and three composite that, if we take into account that they are radiated and reflected, we will have twelve colored light beams. There are twelve signs of the zodiac.

If each radiation corresponds to a sign, the reflection corresponds to the opposite sign. Thus, we have axes involving the 12 signs. These axes are:

First axis – Aries – Libra (Red)
Second axis -Taurus -Scorpio (Orange)
Third axis – Gemini – Sagittarius (Yellow)
Fourth axis – Cancer – Capricorn (Green)
Fifth axis – Leo – Aquarius (Blue)
Sixth axis – Virgo – Pisces (Lilac)

From this study of light, shadow, and colors, Emy concluded that astrology is not a phenomenon that originated in the constellations, which influence the Earth and men. Astrology is the study of the universal life, in all its forms, concrete or abstract, but one in its essence.

By way of illustration, we transcribed part of Emy´s interpretation to the first axis: Aries – Libra, contained in the book “Luz e Sombra”. (Complete teachings on the 6 axes in the book “Luz e Sombra”).

First Axis – Aries – Libra

Aries —> Truth / I am / Energy / Action / Initiative /  Independence

Libra —> Justice / You are / Harmony / Meditation / Coordination / Cooperation

Aries is the sign of leadership and every man born under the sign of Aries is destined to be a leader,  must first develop the self, his own personality. his independence. For these, he will use his energy. But he will have to go through the struggles of imposition and the consequences of his aggression until he understands the needs of others. Only after these struggles will he become a leader, using his energy for the good of collectivity and cosmic harmony.

If a person born in Aries maintains a sense of measure, always obeying the wishes of others, he will never develop his personality as a leader.

On the other hand (Libra), those who only defend harmony, beauty, and elegance, without taking the initiative, using energy and action, will accomplish nothing. Man is Aries. Humanity is Libra. There is no independence without cooperation.

Toward Cosmic Harmony

Emma says that perfection is in every being, but everyone must go through the uninterrupted growth of life, with its periods of apparent rotting, sour, and bitterness, until it becomes sweet. That is the fruit. That is the goal.

Life is light radiation from all that exists; concrete, abstract, stone, cell, cluster, planet, man, word, thought, work, or knowledge. Wherever there is life, there is this radiance of energy, forming a magnetic sphere that attracts and impels. This sphere being originated in Light is inner life and forms the same spectrum. The spectrum, equal in all forms, proves that the essence of life is one.

Astrology has known for millennia that the spectrum around the Sun, Earth, and man is the same. Biology today says the same about biomagnetism: the electromagnetic frequency around the Sun, Earth and man are identical.

Thus, biology confirms this ancient knowledge and explains, in scientific terms, what religions call omnipresence or vital principle that animates the universe.

Everything moves towards a cosmic harmony. Man must only become aware of this phenomenon and facilitate evolution. This awareness work is one of the main tasks of Astrology.

The complete teachings of the six axes are in the book “Luz e Sombra”

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