Aroused, Restless, Unconscious

In Emy´s words:


“ I have done thousands of studies, and today I see the horoscopes of the great-grandchildren of the great-grandmothers I studied in the past. What excites and moves me most is this wonderful universal clock that makes us understand the laws of heredity. Today I can say something that it will be up to you to confirm and take it further: if today the Moon is in a sign, the genes that correspond to this biotype are the strongest, fertilizing the families where these genes exist. If there is conception, the child’s physical body develops in the maternal body with the hereditary characters of that biotype fertilized by the Moon.

Nine months later, she is born, when the sign corresponding to this genetic heritage rises on the horizon.

At birth, this physical form penetrates the earthy visible and human consciousness. As the child develops the use o the five senses, their qualities rise to the conscious (Ascendant, active) and they collect the senses that capture the invisible to the subconscious (Descending, passive)


This state arises from the repeated clashes between the two energies, and sometimes the energies o the opposite sign to his Ascendant are noticed in the child, as he struggles not to lose his balance.

But the law of life is this: the child born in Aries on the Ascendant will never become a leader capable of imposing his personality, his independence, and his creative energies if he always has to ask what others want or how it should act. Your Aries energy then manifests in impatient willful, or selfish behavior.

Defects, or what we call errors, are not caused by signs, but only by the growth of life and by the apparent detachment of opposite signs. When the two opposites are completely disconnected, we will move from the restless state to the unconscious state.


So we don’t know about all cosmic energies that are in us, and that’s how struggles, sufferings mistakes arise.

But there is no error, sin, or disgrace. There are only classes in life that awaken us to search for light, which is the restless state of life, to reach maturity and awaken latent energies, reaching self-realization and self-awareness.

With each short circuit, we have a lightning bolt, a glimpse of that light, and little by little we come to understand this mechanism of hidden energies in us. I can learn to use an electrical installation through the lessons give by the shocks and get to fix my electricity iron without needing the electrician. But with the knowledge of electricity, I can install the light much faster and without so much pain.

This is the value of Astrology:

  • Teach us how to make use of the bipolar cosmic energies in ourselves and in the entire universe;
  • There is no use in prediction nor warning, nor prophecy if each being does not become aware of itself;
  • The man in search of outer space must first know inner space.

Take the example of the plant: the human being is a cosmic seed, his first breath is his sowing. This seed has to bear fruit, but the mistake is to want to know about the fruit before you know what kind of seed it is. To bear this fruit, the seed has to be sewn into the col ground; it has to split in order to release the energy and force within it. Then it germinates and apparently rots to assimilate, and then grow up, flower, ripen, and finally bear fruit.

But without going through state nº1, apparently rotting and spoiling; without going through state nº3, with all its bitterness and acidity, it will never reach the sweetness of nº4.

There are then two studies to be carried out:

1 – Life in man
2 – The man in life

In Psychology, we generally start with nº2, by observing man in life, according to his manifestation and assimilation. In Astrology, we begin the study with nº1: life in man, the seed of cosmic energy in him, and the fruit that will be able to bear.

We understand then that all bipartite events, sour and bitter, are the facts of this growth, and that through knowledge we can eliminate and ease the pain of growing.

Man is the mechanism that makes a cosmic instant not fade away, becoming eternal, rotating, radiating new light.

And then we fully understand the Apostle Paul, when he says in the Letter to the Colossians (Cap. 1, vs. 16)”

” Everything was created by Him, for Him”

Emma de Mascheville

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