Essential vs Accidental Astrology

In Emy´s words:

“There are two points of view in Astrology: the Essence of Life and the Accidents of Life. The essence of Life is what I try to teach: the Perfect Divine Life existing by the Light in every being: where each one has an essential mission in the realization of his existential phase which is Acting (Ascendant), Thinking (Sun), Feeling (Moon) and Realization (Mid-Heaven). This is the Essential!

When a person comes to understand the balance and strength that exist in all this Divine Force, becoming aware of it, nothing afflicts or scares him anymore, and he feels within himself the strength that Creator has given to each creature. This is the most important: the essential, which needs to know every child, from his first breath.

But there are also the Accidents of Life, Accidental Astrology, events, shape, classes, struggles, joys and values of life, determined by the position of the planets in the natal chart, and that give the way everything will grow, fight a mature in us: the form of the existence.

There are astrologers who, in the first place, aim at the Essence of Life with all its perfections, struggles, and maturation, and this is the one I chose, convinced that the Great Sage Architect of Life did something very perfect and that his perfection is in everything who created. This is the conviction I want to give to all mothers!

And there are astrologers who see aspects of the planets in the natal chart first: Uranus is squaring Mercury, Mars opposite the sun. This is the Accidental Astrology, and it must be interpreted after we know the Essential., the Force of being to grow and mature.

I personally cannot work with anyone who puts Accidental before Essential. The Essential is the Divine force in the Cosmic Science Wisdom. The Accidental is called Legal Astrology, the judgment of being according to our “methodization of concepts”.

This is the reason why, Above, they divided the two. We will not judge, nor criticize, nor bemoan.”

Emma de Mascheville

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