Sun throught Magnetic Fields

According to Emy:
“What time were you born? Even if we do not know the complete astral chart, we can gain important guidance for ourselves and those around us if we know the time of birth.
The Sun passes through all twelve houses in twenty-four hours. By observing yourself and analyzing the facts of life, a person can discover which of the houses is lit by the Sun.
As the Sun awakens life, in addition to impregnating its mentality, depending on its position in the visible or invisible sky, day or night, it manifests the following: born during the day, it obtains conditions that favor it and must fight to preserve it; born at night needs to fight to perform and know how to better conserve.
Anyone who is born on the way from one house to another, for example, around 12:00 pm/ 00:00 am and 02:00 am, should read the following period, as the indicated minute is rarely exact. Furthermore, depending on the geographic position (latitude and longitude) there may be a difference.
Sun trough Magnetic Fields
00:00 to 02:00 am
When the Sun is in its third house, it gives intelligence and the opportunity to learn by living with siblings, relatives, neighbors and the interests that are related to the written and spoken word, expansion of knowledge according to what you have learned and assimilated in your environment. . They are the propagandists, writers, teachers and people who focus with interest in everything and everyone around them, whether for family or environment.
Obeying the Law of Light and Shadow, I understand that the Sun we receive is to be radiated where there is darkness. We must then illuminate the ninth house, that is to say, that intelligence, the ability to teach, and the faculty of moving immediate interests must be radiated to broader horizons. Don’t think about “I already know”, but find what I don’t know what I haven’t seen yet studies, culture, religions, philosophy.
02:00 to 04:00 am
The Sun is in the finance house. There is an ability to have life in the achievements, money comes in and goes out, but when it goes out, it goes in. Whoever is born under this position easily receives material advantages.
In the human collective, they must understand that they are not the ones with the greatest luck and the greatest privileges. This facility should be used to give, donate, finance, encourage people to have their qualities in other sectors.
The eighth house must be targeted. The house of death, that is, of the transformation of matter. Do not spend on excessive selfishness and futility, but look for values that will last. As the Sun gives you, as they spend, they have a duty to give. In all families generally what is called the rich, the lucky one. He must realize that at the time of his death he will be poor when asked: what have you done with everything I have given you? If born between two and four o’clock in the morning, I have greater ease of accomplishment, a mission in my life is financial, everything that keeps life around me.
04:00 to 06:00 am
The Sun is in the first house and causes a sunny, happy, protected childhood. Strengthens personality and the ability to make personal magnetism shine. It knows how to attract and impose itself through its vitality. But the awareness of the I and/or, of its own values, when exaggerated, becomes the opposite if the one born in this hour does not realize that the whole vivacity of his individuality cannot turn into self-centeredness, but must be radiated to his seventh house. , the collectivity. Your goal should be to give, to radiate, to make the world around you happy. He must always realize that the sun shines because it radiates and stimulates life around him, valuing his surroundings. If he is always aiming for his own worth and personality, he will consume himself in his own heat.
06:00 to 08:00 am
The sun should be the light that scares away the darkness. When the Sun illuminates the twelfth house in human beings, it is a reaction against life, as in the child who, in his first cry, seems to revolt for entering the prison of life, feeling all the obstacles and limitations he must face. The being born in this hour of the rising of the sun is like the animal that recovers, it stoops in its lair with the reception of everything that can hurt its great sensibility. It’s the same reaction as the struggles between the signs of Pisces and Virgo. They create the world of their imagination and escape from reality. But they are the ones destined to bring light and new life where there are sufferings, limitations, and imprisonments.
Radiating their light to the sixth house, that is, to work and look for achievements, they fulfill their mission, which is to research, discover what is hidden, bring light to laboratories, hospitals, boarding schools, prisons. The main thing is not to confine yourself, as is the tendency, but to carry out your work and try to discover what is hidden. They are also the box of secrets. All confide their sorrows to them because they feel the discretion of those born in this hour. The key is in expanding great sensitivity at work and in facing up to the realities of life.
08:00 to 10:00 am
The Sun in the eleventh house, of hopes, friendships, and plans, influences this sector. Those born at this time are rich in friendships, relationships, and projects. They spread and radiate energy in their circle of friends, contributing to progress through the wealth of plans and the encouragement they create. But in order not to be distracting, they must seek to develop the forces of the opposite house, the farm, and focus on their own capacities and dedicate themselves to creating, having love for their own cultivated ephemeral inspirations so that something of lasting value is born.
10:00 to 12:00 am
They say that he is the one who is born in a “cradle of gold”. This is not always the case, but the person has the capacity to reach a position where he reigns and directs because of his social and professional position. It rises above its birthplace, rises, and can shine and lead in its chosen career. Opposite this is the fourth house, which means home, country, family, and old age. Consequently, you must realize that all this ease of elevation is not only for progress, but to serve the home, family, country and act in such a way that at the end of life you will not find yourself empty of hands and heart.
00:00 to 02:00 pm
The Sun confers cultural and spiritual richness and opens the doors of life to look beyond. They are the ones who travel through the transatlantic and transcendental world and look in the distance for what they should apply near here. The advice I give is never to say “I know” but always learn and teach by learning.
02:00 to 04:00 pm
The Sun confers cultural and spiritual richness and opens the doors of life to look beyond. They are the ones who travel through the transatlantic and transcendental world and look in the distance for what they should apply near here. The advice I give is never to say “I know” but always learn and teach by learning.
04:00 to 06:00 pm
The Sun in the seventh house means living for the community, for associations, and for the world around you. Makes you choose the ideal, “nice” companions. But that doesn’t mean that the world around me must live for me, nor that I must serve it.
06:00 to 08:00 pm
He doesn’t know how to live without his job and the constant search for greater improvement for himself and for those who work with and for him. The search for a healthier life, preventive medicine, social workers and heads of staff are generally found with the Sun on this axis, the sixth and twelfth division, that is, between six and eight in the morning and at six o’clock. When the sun rises and sets. Those who are born after twilight must remember that it is not only the constant running and seeking to see the profit and result of their efforts, but also reflecting, meditating, resting, giving time to time, otherwise, they spend a lot of their energies uselessly. Not only dealing with what I see, but also with what I don’t see. It is not only on bread that man lives.
08:00 t0 10:00 pm
The Sun illuminates a ray of the axis of Love, corresponding to the human body to the heart. As in the order of the day, it is time to dedicate yourself to life and to what you love and seek your pleasures. Creating in the family, in art, in sports, everything that excites and stimulates life. It’s called the children’s home, but not just the physical children, as everything we can create to progress. And we must be aware that this gift of creating is not for us to enrich and shine, but to give tomorrow our children, who do not belong to us but belong to the progress of tomorrow. This zodiacal house is also called the house of games, speculations, sports. If I have the Sun in this house, I must know how to have and lose, obtain, conquer and give.
How much suffering can exist in the possessive spirit of love and in relation to children. There must be mutual respect for the individuality and freedom of the partner and children. We only reign in the hearts of those we love if we become their servants, as explained in the Leo-Aquarius signs. We must accompany our children’s storms with serenity and confidence in the future because they don’t belong to us, they need to grow. They grow by our example of self-discipline, both in joys and storms. They are not ours, but for the progress of the world for which we prepare and give them.
10:00 t0 12:00 pm
Being born, at the end of the day means mission accomplished. Having the sun at the end of life makes you love family, home, and country. Whoever has the Sun in the fourth house seeks to have real estate, is often too preoccupied with material security in old age, and crowds around him. But you should not be overly concerned in this regard. No matter how great the struggles along the road of life are, it is certain that the sun will shine on you in old age. The key to success in life is not in the home, in material possessions. The key depends on the sign that occupies its zenith, the way it fulfilled its mission in social and professional life. You will have success and happiness not only because of the goods, honors, and hospitable home, but especially because you feel the understanding and joy of living in your life. “
Emma de Mascheville