July 10th
“Today it’s been fifty years since I met Cedaior, talking to him at 4:35 am for the first time. I had met him on the street before, feeling that this was my destiny. I felt a great attraction. His first words to us, who had arrived in the Southern Hemisphere five years ago, were that its fate had brought us to that moment, it was to take us out of pain and suffering.
We should never look back, but always forward, for decay would be behind and here progress.
Therefore, I consider this date the day I started myself dedicating myself to the work of Astrology, and Cedaior told me that this date would always come as proof that my ideal was going forward. The ideal of creating a new race in the Southern Hemisphere, a new mentality more conscious of cosmic energy, precisely with the development of the sixth sense.
On the night of July 10, 1975, I was meeting with my students and I explained to them what July 10 meant for me, why I gad considered this day as a milestone in my fifty years of struggle and research, and how they must be continuators of the ideal I had married.

I told them what had happened in 1943 when I thought there would be more demonstrations because Cedaior had passed away.
On the day before Nato Hehn (friend) went into a trance, telling me that Cedaior was saying that doors were being opened and that we should always continue with confidence because Love would inevitably win. The next day I had all the doors closed; not understanding the meaning of the words spoken through Nato Hehn.
Today I understand that all the doors that have closed have opened doors for me, because they made me look for more, investigate more, impose more.
Therefore, what appear to be closed doors later turned out to be the opening of new and greater doors.

So I showed the students, in the book of the Laws of Vayu, the indicated horoscope for the new sub-race Aris, which is similar to my horoscope. I had then understood that this horoscope of this work by Cedaior had attracted me so intensely. I also showed that the high point, the Half-Heaven of the Vayu Laws horoscope, 16th of Cancer, was the same as in my horoscope. I understood then how on the 10th of July I always felt that protection that led me on a mission; because when the Sun, on the 10th of July, passes to the same degree, it activates everything that I consider my mission and my profession.
The Moon in the sign of Leo in the tenth house; the Sun in Aquarius, that is, the preparation and dissemination that must prepare the emergence of a new humanity. From that day on I observed and saw that in other similar societies, the importance of this same degree is very great.
I then explained to my students that this must be a degree that must have a very great force in terms of awakening and understanding the relationship between the Macro and the Microcosm.
My students were amazed and excited, strongly drawn to the continuation of this work.
On the 21st July passed the degree where the sun had passed on the 10th of July, which meant I was supposed to get news about it. At the same time, Jupiter trine Uranus, which signifies a visit by a brother and important news and progress for astrology.
Suddenly a man enters and tell me how much it cost him to find me and, moments later, I saw that he was an Astrologer and I thought he wanted to find work. But I soon realized that he didn’t want work, but had come to test me. He had a very deep knowledge of Astrology and had studied, with his Sun in Cancer, the entire past of the science, being able to quote, in Latin and other languages, entire excerpts from old books.
He traveled to all the places where he knew there were astrologers of knowledge, in an attempt to gather people capable of taking part in a meeting, from which would seek to take astrology forward in a more intense way.
I then asked him what day he was born. Answered me: July 1oth! I mean another warrant with this vibe, where his Mercury passed and made him look for what had been my ideal and work for the past fifty years.
All my students fell back when I told them what was going on. What day was he born? “July 10”.
The big push in everything we’re doing is going forward.
He went to Montevideo, Buenos Aires, and came back a little disappointed and stayed a few more days here. I invited him to teach a class and he declined. But when I saw him, he was hiding behind the curtain watching my class, testing me, according to his Sun in house Today I received a letter from him that says:
“I was convinced and realized the mission you are carrying out in Porto Alegre. This is the true and only valid Astrology center; the real academy in Latin America. Your method can serve schools in the near future, and we will invite you to expose your method to experts in Education. I am very happy to have met you on my way, and I hope to see you again soon.”
He wrote this in Curitiba, where he came from, visiting the Neo-Pythagoreans. And it was precisely on the 10th of July, when Cedaior was coming from giving a lecture at the Neo-Pythagoreans in Curitiba, that I met him.
The letter ends with wholehearted hugs from Antoine Charette, the man who sees everything through the Pyramid, its cosmic dimensions.
It’s a wonder what we’re feeling, how we’re being guided. As Charette called himself a pilgrim, an envoy. He thought that here, in our humble little attempt to study and deepen Astrology and to serve with it in Education, he had found a true academy in South America.
Happy recognition for those who will continue.”
Emma de Mascheville