Emma de Mascheville, known as Dona Emy, was born in Heimhausen, in Bavaria, in southern Germany, but her first language was Italian, as she lived her early years in Monte Veritá, by Lake Maggiore, in northern of Italy and southern Switzerland. She was in Hungry and spent her youth moving from city to city in Germany.

Her temporary visit to Brazil, accompanying her family, became definitive when she met in Curitiba, her future husband, a friend of her aunt, 22 years of age. With Cedaior, her husband, she began the study of astrology, which became more and more profound.
About 10,000 horoscopes she calculated and interpreted show her vigorous thought, although warm and dialogues, remembered by her clients, students, friends, relatives, and curious people, reflecting in a thousand of typewritten pages, handwritten or recordings, and, mainly of long conversations, of two hours with each person at least.
Like Socrates in Greece, her great effort through the astrology was to look for the knowledge of “Know yourself “, talking to people, trying to make each person understand themselves and, thus, their own problems, things in life, and finally to understand others.
For this reason, her great concern was the child and education. The astrological way of understanding people as children, as young and young people, as adults.
The mother, understanding herself through astrology, will also be able to better understand her children and thus give them a more adequate education.
She didn’t speculate through books and theories. She meditated upon calculations and statistics from thousands of horoscopes. Daily experiences with dozens of people and situations, sometimes hundreds. . Daily experiences with dozens of people and situations, sometimes hundreds. Staring with her horoscope, observing her seven children, the people closest to her, by the confidences and outbursts, reports and statements from her clients, questions from students, the challenges of her critics or skeptical characters, not letting her take flight in baseless imagination.
She tested aphorisms from the Arab tradition, assertions of medieval knowledge, interpretation of the classical tradition, oriental curiosities, and the sayings of popular tradition, in the field of astrology.
She has always maintained an attitude consistent with the scientific method: observing, without demolishing, the tradition, in the stage of understanding.
Not only that, but she accumulated, over thousands of days and hours of interviews with her clients and conversation with her friends and relatives, a vast amount of information, each day more precise, each day deeper, each day more wisely transmitted, which is reflected in this works written or recorded, or printed in the memory of thousands of mind and hearts.
Each client to be consoled brought a greater amount of knowledge to be assimilated by Emy, preparing her more wisely for the assistance of the next client. She was always grateful to those who taught her through their lives, books, facts, and calculations, always recognizing the Hand of God that guided her and the people or instruments that allowed her to help others, which facilitated the growth of her knowledge of astrology in a healthy and unselfish way. Her gratitude was towards everyone she mentioned or just kept in her memory.
She sought to repay, the Hand of God. If during a period of her life she professionally charged for her survival and that of her family members, on the other hand, she attended to many for free, not letting anyone leave without astrological advice.
For Emy, astrology was a great lifelong adventure that gave her an immense wealth of life. Through Astrology, she understood that we all have our sufferings and our joys, but that the distribution plan of these opportunities, whether life is tighter or a loose life, varies from person to person.
Saint Thomas says that it is lawful for a man to know the plans of God through astrology. Through this art, science, and technique, we can see that God is just, because God brings us proof at the right time. And the great Clock, in which these moments are marked, is in Heaven, where the constellations, the signs, the Sun, the Moon, the planets, the stars, the comets, the asteroids, and the shooting stars move.
And so Emy, in the search for the union of faith and science, found a way to explain, to make herself understood, and to see the Beauty of Divine Justice and the Goodness of God to others, to mothers, to young people, to future generations, through astrology.
Aor de Mascheville