The Drop of Water
In Emy´s words
“I’ve repeated thousands of times the explanation of the “drop of water” for people who wanted to know something through Astrology. I always make the same drawing for each one, because in it is the synthesis of everything we need to know about our lives. Even without having other knowledge of Astrology. It allows us to help others and ourselves.
Imagine the Universe as a circle around us.

An ocean that divides the Universe in two parts, visible and invisible

and a drop of water that reaches the surface, jumping out of the ocean

mirroring in it the entire visible universe

The child, at birth, is like the last drop of water. In its first breath, all the vibration and electromagnetic fluids of half the Universe are imprinted on it; just like a light on a photographic plate, the instant it opens to light, and this printed and fixed part is our consciousness.
However, the Earth and the ocean do not share anything, they are only a drop in relation with the Universe: visible and invisible are inseparable in it in the same form. Then the universal invisible part manifests itself as our subconscious.
From this understanding, the phrase of the bible -“man is made in the image and likeness of the Creator” – takes on another meaning for us, and we no longer imagine God like a man similar to us.
As the atom is a Solar System in miniature, the human being is the universe, the creation, and therefore the Creator in miniature, but divided in two: visible and invisible, light and shadow, active and passive, conscious and subconscious.

The fundamental basis of this division is the horizon line, an axis that divides the whole into two parts. This basic axis is divided into two rays, penetrate the conscious upwards, and the other withdraws into the subconscious in the opposite downward direction.

We understand then that we cannot make a horoscope without knowing the time of birth and the geographical position, as these elements will determine the nature of this fundamental axis.
Two children, born at the same time but in different places, no longer have the same horoscopes, because the horizon and the sky are different, as their struggles, their growth, and their maturation will be different.”
Emma de Mascheville